
Gareth Borcherds Lykken on Lending Podcast Feature

By tuning in to the latest episode of Lykken on Lending, you'll gain valuable insights into how Jaro is making a lasting impact on the appraisal industry, setting new standards, and fostering a more efficient and innovative future for all stakeholders involved. Don't miss this insightful conversation!
Alexandra Checketts
5 min

Revolutionizing Appraisals: How Jaro is Setting New Standards in the Industry

The appraisal industry is on the cusp of a significant transformation, thanks to Jaro, the flagship product of Ascent Software Group. Jaro represents a major leap forward, providing an end-to-end ecosystem that integrates all parties involved in the appraisal process, from loan officers to appraisers to underwriting teams. This holistic approach ensures a seamless flow of information and tasks, effectively eliminating the fragmentation that has long plagued the industry.

In the latest episode of Lykken on Lending, our Managing Director, Gareth Borcherds, offers a fascinating look at how Jaro is setting new standards in the appraisal industry. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and fostering an integrated ecosystem, Jaro is poised to make a lasting impact on how appraisals are conducted.

The Jaro Advantage: Seamless Integration and Enhanced Efficiency

Jaro's comprehensive ecosystem is designed to streamline processes and enhance efficiency, ensuring that all parties involved in the appraisal process are connected and informed. This integrated approach not only improves communication and collaboration but also reduces errors and delays, leading to more accurate and timely appraisals.

A Holistic Approach to Appraisals

One of the key features of Jaro is its ability to integrate all parties involved in the appraisal process. This holistic approach ensures that everyone, from loan officers to appraisers to underwriting teams, has access to the information they need when they need it. This seamless flow of information and tasks helps to eliminate the fragmentation that has long been a challenge in the appraisal industry.

Setting New Standards with Cutting-Edge Technology

Jaro leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. By fostering an integrated ecosystem, Jaro is not only setting new standards in the appraisal industry but also paving the way for a more efficient and innovative future in appraisals.

Tune In to Learn More

Discover how Jaro is revolutionizing the appraisal industry with its comprehensive, end-to-end ecosystem designed to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Listen to Gareth Borcherds in the latest episode of Lykken on Lending: "Enhancing Efficiency in Appraisals: Jaro's End-to-End Ecosystem."

Appraisal management done right.

Jaro is the only end-to-end platform for high end lender, AMC and staff workflows.
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