

 + Jaro Desk

LOS platform for lenders and banks

Xpanse offers a modern operating system called Xpanse Podium™, designed to streamline mortgage lender management. This platform combines advanced technology with deep industry knowledge to address common pain points in the mortgage process. Xpanse Podium™ enhances lender and service provider interactions through configurable workflows, data-driven decision-making, and seamless integrations with existing systems.

The platform is noted for significantly reducing the average time to close loans, improving pull-through rates, and decreasing the cost per loan. These benefits are achieved through features like provider SLA scorecards, automated provider allocation, and real-time performance analytics, making it a powerful tool for lenders looking to optimize their operations.

For more details, visit Xpanse.

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Jaro is the only end-to-end platform for high end lender, AMC and staff workflows.
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